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2008-06-10 13:50:46 来源:不详 作者:佚名 【 点击:





  Recently, the United Kingdom National Lottery distributors Colette Group announced that in the year 2011, the National Lottery to create 229 millionaires, distribute prize money amounted to 720 million pounds.

  "The lottery industry and players in 2011 was an extraordinary year." British National Lottery distributors Colette Group spokesman said. It is understood that in 2011 the UK National Lottery to create 229 millionaires, an increase of 71 more than in 2010.

  It is worth mentioning that, according to the winner of the occupation statistics, most of the career of the winner is the construction industry, management, industry and transport drivers, these types of professional players seem to be more fortunate; the players of the constellation Taurus, is the date of birth between April 10 May 20 players, more prize more than any other constellation; in addition, the list of winners, 60% were male.

Tags: 英国2011年彩票大奖得主多为金牛座
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